EconInsight: Indonesia's Dynamic Job Landscape and Future Career Pathways

June 20, 2023

Contributor: Safiullah Junejo, Fatima Z. Fatih | Editor: Supriyono

The Faculty of Economics and Business at the Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia (UIII) organized an EconInsight on June 15, 2023, themed “Future Jobs and Indonesian Labor Market” inviting Dr. Turro S. Wongkaren, the Director of the Institute for Advanced Studies in Economics and Business (IASEB) at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia.

As the theme has hinted, the discussion addressed the future of employment in Indonesia and strategies to facilitate a more seamless transition. During the event, Dr. Wongkaren shared valuable insights on emerging industries, the impact of automation, the demand for specific skills, and the crucial role played by the government in fostering innovation and entrepreneurship.

Indonesia's vibrant economy presents abundant opportunities for the growth of emerging industries in the next decade. In this regard, Dr. Wongkaren identified renewable energy, e-commerce, digital marketing, fintech, and healthcare as sectors expected to experience substantial expansion.

These technology-driven and innovative industries exhibit promising prospects for generating employment and driving economic growth. As Indonesia explores new possibilities, it is vital to understand the influence of these sectors on the overall job market, Mr. Wongkaren argued.

"Technological advancements and automation have revolutionized conventional employment across industries, necessitating the preparation of the Indonesian workforce for these changes," Mr. Wongkaren emphasized.

While certain jobs may become obsolete, new opportunities will arise requiring distinct talents and qualifications. The key lies in reskilling and upskilling the workforce to adapt to the evolving demands of the job market. 

"To remain competitive in the ever-changing job market, Indonesian employees must prioritize the acquisition of industry-relevant skills," highlighted Turro S. Wongkaren.

Skills such as digital literacy, critical thinking, problem-solving, and adaptability are increasingly valuable in industries such as information technology, data analysis, artificial intelligence, and digital marketing. The ability to leverage technology and embrace innovation will be crucial for job seekers in the future labor market.

Recognizing the significance of supporting the creation of future employment and ensuring a smooth transition for workers, the Indonesian government has implemented several policies and initiatives. These measures aim to promote innovation and entrepreneurship through collaboration with the private sector. Initiatives include startup incubators, tax incentives for innovative companies, and funding programs for entrepreneurs, all of which encourage the emergence of new businesses and contribute to economic sustainability.

As Indonesia confronts the challenges and opportunities arising from technological advancements and evolving industries, the labor market must adapt and develop in parallel. The emerging sectors offer significant potential for job creation and economic growth.  

However, ensuring that the workforce possesses the necessary skills and qualifications for the future is equally important. By investing in education, training programs, and policies that encourage innovation and entrepreneurship, Indonesia can position itself as a global leader in the future job market.

Through collaborative efforts among the government, educational institutions, and the private sector, Indonesia can foster a workforce that is well-prepared to adapt to the evolving job market.